
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Girl on the go

It’s a shame that I live in such a society where girls are still evaluated as a potential employee not because she is most capable for the job but because she can manage time. It has never been a problem for a guy to take a job that requires late hours of duties or travelling away from home but for a girl the same things become bigger issues than they actually need to be. 

 If you are a girl who is as much educated as  a guy and wants to go out into the world and make something out of your life, you my dear friend have invariably faced this problem. I accept girls are biologically more fragile than a guy is. I accept the differences that god has given us by birth. However, if you are going to educate a girl in the same ways as you educate guys, and later on ask her to stay home because she is a girl, where is the fairness in that? It’s like you showed a small kid the gate of Disneyland and told them they can never go inside!

I had a conversation about gender disparities in the workplace with a male colleague one day. I caught him using a phrase such as “like a girl” to a guy. I felt like being a girl was like being a criminal or being weak and vulnerable. Upon a friendly confrontation, my friend says that, “Yes, guys and girls are equal, but can you go home after nine? If you can, then maybe we are equals!”I was dumbfounded.  So, being a girl we needed to follow the time factor theory. I knew we lived in a patriarchal society but I did not ever realize that before saying you are capable to do something in this society and you are an equal to your male counterparts, you need to realize that you wore a skirt! How disheartening is that?

Dear parents and society owners, please realize if you are going to raise your daughters with the same education and facilities as your sons, there will come a day when your daughters will want to go out like yours sons and employ their education to make a life. Be kind then, and let her do what is best for her. Guide her, don’t buy her a watch and tell her the time theory shit! Be brave and let her figure her life out because it was your fault in the first place that you taught her to dream big, now don’t stop the girl on the go!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Just a thought!

This is not a book review or a movie review or a journal. It is just what I wanted to be poured out of me.

I called in sick at work yesterday Today, it was the weekend. I read a lot these past two days and I watched a lot of movies. I have always felt so revived after taking such a break. I love them, both, reading and watching a movie.

I am always awed by the way a writer creates a character: A character that has a face, a body and a life. How can you so vividly create something that you have never seen or heard of?! How can you go out there and make a person? How do you get to know all the details of these people, their thoughts their lifestyles, the way they think, the way they dress, their likes and their dislikes?

Same with a movie, I am awed with how much an actor can feel the character, the urgency , the care , the warmth and bring it out on screen, every detail and make us believe in the make-believe.

I was reading 1Q84. I watched ‘50 shades of grey’ and I watched ’Philadelphia’ last night and then ‘Her’ today. I read and I watched and I read and I watched and I am so lost right now. Lost in existence between all the worlds I have seen. Moved; Stuck. I am happy for so much art in the worlds. It fills me! It makes me alive with so much energy that I can’t describe it.

When I love a book so much, I read a book slower, word for word, when it gets towards the end. I like to save it for longer, to savor it, To taste the word in my mind. I have cried when I have read a book that I was about to finish! I was scared I wouldn’t be reading it anymore. It’s like losing a person you have come to like so much. May be I sound so crazy, but I am not! May be I am! I feel so much better.

  Flames of my fire Summon the winds. Come blow on the smoldering  Shame of my forlorn soul; That prayer full of breath you send my way...