
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I made it through!

Weaknesses are hard to learn. Confidence is harder to relearn. I guess however strong you are, some things are bound to come crashing down on you. The only measure that marks your strength is whether you can stand even after a fall.
I might look like I am strong at standing through all my falls but I know weaknesses more. My weaknesses have stripped me of my confidence. More I pass through shadier times, frailer I find myself. My confidence is an old dusty rotting coat today. However, giving up on my confidence is a lost battle. I try with what little I have left every day. 
I don't still know how to put a straight face so easily. Believe me, I have days when  problems claw on me so constantly that I can cry about a falling tree leaf! I guess people go about their own ways to overcome the darker days. I just wanted to remember a thing that has kept me going. Someone pointed out to me that there are people with sadder things still fighting out there. People surviving many bitter experiences, so I should gather all my might to stand whatever fall I have had.
Life lessons are called so because you live through them, and you learn one all on your own. They are the hardest and most real lessons you will ever get. But I will look back and say, hey I made it through!

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